
Wednesday, July 17


Sunrise yoga

Catalina Point
Start your day with a boost of energy and beautiful views. Morning workout options coming soon.

Networking breakfast

Palos Verdes Prefunction
Fuel up with coffee and a bite to eat before going out and changing the face of retail.

Looking toward a post-app future: How empathic AI agents will take real-world action on consumers’ behalf

Palos Verdes Ballroom
Business futurist Kate Ancketill will explore the impact of AI agents on tomorrow's consumers and how their changing behavior will impact all retail channels. She'll describe scenarios to help retailers envisage pathways to adaptation in a fast-chang ...

AI revolution at Walmart: Navigating the present and future of conversational tech in retail transformation

Palos Verdes Ballroom
For years—long before it came to dominate the headlines—Walmart has been on a journey to harness the power of Artificial Intelligence. Today, AI is embedded across Walmart’s business—from how it flows its inventory across its network so it’s closer t ...
Desi Gosby

Desi Gosby

Vice President, Emerging Technology
Walmart Global Tech

Networking break

Palos Verdes Prefunction
Every break brings a surprise. At this event, guests look forward to breaks as much as they do the thought leadership.

Expert-Led Think Tanks

Palos Verdes Terrace
Join our handpicked group of subject matter experts to discuss future-forward ideas. With four separate opportunities to engage, NRF’s Expert-Led Think Tanks allow attendees to dive deep into a single topic or explore three different topics for a bro ...
Alex Genov

Alex Genov

Customer Experience Expert, Author, and Keynote Speaker
Christian Beckner

Christian Beckner

Vice President, Retail Technology & Cybersecurity
National Retail Federation
Poonam Goyal

Poonam Goyal

Sr Ecommerce & Retail Analyst
Bloomberg Intelligence
Brenda Higuchi

Brenda Higuchi

Senior Vice President, Analytics and Optimization
Exchange Solutions

Too Many Chiefs? How overlapping C-suite roles & functions are undermining productivity, transformation, & profitability

Palos Verdes Ballroom
A new study reveals the detrimental impacts on organizations and employees from overlapping C-Suite roles, departments, and functions. Lack of clarity in responsibilities and decision-making authority are causing alarming levels of frustration and ha ...

Social commerce trends and predictions

Palos Verdes Ballroom
In the near-term future, social commerce envisions the seamless integration of shopping within social media platforms, employing advanced AI for personalized recommendations and interactive experiences. Social commerce is evolving into a dynamic spac ...
Poonam Goyal

Poonam Goyal

Sr Ecommerce & Retail Analyst
Bloomberg Intelligence

Lunch with a view

Palos Verdes Terrace
Join your fellow retailers for lunch & casual conversation as you re-energize for this afternoon's events.

Balancing innovation and ethics: Navigating responsible AI in retail

Palos Verdes Ballroom
Retail is undergoing a transformative shift driven by AI and Data. In this session we will review how ethical AI lays the foundation for successfully navigating this shift, and juxtapose that with our predictions for the coming holiday season.
Kathy Baxter

Kathy Baxter

Principal Architect, Ethical AI Practice

Supercharging unified commerce

Palos Verdes Ballroom
The future of unified commerce will evolve through advanced technology, integrating AI, IoT, and data analytics for deeper customer insights and personalized experiences. Learn how the next generation of unified commerce promises to redefine shopping ...

Expert-Led Think Tanks

Palos Verdes Terrace
Join our handpicked group of subject matter experts to discuss future-forward ideas. With four separate opportunities to engage, NRF’s Expert-Led Think Tanks allow attendees to dive deep into a single topic or explore three different topics for a bro ...
Poonam Goyal

Poonam Goyal

Sr Ecommerce & Retail Analyst
Bloomberg Intelligence

Choose your own adventure

Adventures Await! Retailers just wanna have fun! After a full day of game-changing presentations and thought-provoking conversations, choose an afternoon activity that fits your mood. Specific activity details will be shared soon.

Bon voyage dinner

Sunset Bluff
Before we say our final good-bye, we will celebrate new and old friends, new partnerships and continued innovation in retail.